There are many types of dreams that a person can experience. For example, below is a list of common dreams an average person has. 


Daydreaming is classified as a level of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness. Studies show that a person daydreams on a average of 70-120 minutes a day. Daydreams are often viewed as light hearted nature. Worrying is also apart of daydreaming. When somebody is worrying a lot, they visualize a unwanted or negative image to a situation. Positive daydreaming is healthy. It is a temporary escape from reality. 

Lucid Dreams- 

Lucid dreams are when people realize they are dreaming. When people realize this, they usually wake themselves up soon after. Other dreamers have the skill to sometimes control their dreams by making certain decisions. They become an active participant in their own dreams. In the lucid state, people are more willing to confront threats and as a result, become more self confident. 


Nightmares are frightening dreams that cause people to wake up feeling anxious. They may be a response to real life trauma and situations. Nightmares fall under the category of Post-tramatic Stress Nightmares. This type of dream is an indication of fear that needs to be acknowledged or confronted. 

Recurring Dreams- 

These are dreams that repeat with a little variation in the story. Some of these dreams are positive, but most are nightmares. These dreams may recur daily, weekly, monthly or once a year. The repetitive patterns in the dreams reveal some of the most valuable information about yourself.